Franklin Servan-Schreiber, de Transmutex: «Notre bataille consiste à rendre le nucléaire plus acceptable»

Building on Existing Technologies for a Commercial Prototype Within a Decade Le directeur de la start-up genevoise estime que l’atome peut contribuer à lutter contre le réchauffement climatique tout en fournissant une quantité d’électricité extraordinaire. Transmutex veut réduire la durée de vie des déchets de 300 000 à 300 ans L’annonce jeudi du Conseil fédéral selon laquelle … Read more

This new technology for nuclear power could help fuel the AI revolution

Building on Existing Technologies for a Commercial Prototype Within a Decade A Swiss startup says it has pioneered a way to reduce radioactive waste from nuclear plants — which could help power data centers. Jason marz/1368745971/Getty Images Swiss startup Transmutex’s technology reduces long-term radioactive waste. The technology could further entice AI companies to use nuclear energy … Read more

Building on Existing Technologies

Building on Existing Technologies for a Commercial Prototype Within a Decade Transmutex is pioneering an entirely new type of nuclear energy that promises scalable carbon-free energy without the traditional challenges of existing nuclear plants. Today’s issues with nuclear energy are safety, long-lived waste, and proliferation. Transmutex will allow significant improvements on all these matters, while … Read more